Different countries apply different rules to maintain checks and balances on taxation processes. Consider the U.S., according to homeland security data, thousands of people entered the country in the fiscal year of 2022.
They had diverse backgrounds. They consist of migrants, refugees, non-American nationalities, and the list continues.
Amid all these scenarios, the United States makes sure everybody who steps inside the country pays legal taxes. To answer this challenge, the government divides these people into different statuses. To administer non-residence individual paying U.S. taxes, ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) categorizes those people.
The SSA (social security administration) issues SSN (social security numbers). This number is directly issued to the people who are permanent residents, and they need to report their income/wages using this number.
How about the people who want to report their income and tax returns, but don’t have SSNs? These people come under the umbrella of ITIN (individual taxpayer identification number).
An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) consists of people who are legally present in a country but are unable to obtain SSN. ITIN is issued by IRS, meanwhile, SSN is issued by SSA (social security administration).
How to Recognize ITIN
We have listed some of the standard protocols to recognize ITIN.
- Like SSN, the format for ITIN is 9**-**-****
- ITIN has a standard 9-digit code
- The first digit of ITIN starts with 9
- Following is the range for ITIN different ITIN digits
From 50 to 65
From 70 to 88
From 90 to 92
From 94 to 99 (the range for 4th and 5th digit)
ITIN Number Includes People
Following is the list of categories that can claim ITIN
- People who cannot get a SSN
- People who are nonresidents and want to file their tax return
- People who are dependents of a U.S. citizen or a person residing in U.S.
- People who are a spouse of a U.S. citizen/resident
- People who are nonresident and want to claim tax treaty benefits
- People who are nonresidents and want a claim tax exemption
There are some other categories as well. You can need to look at your personal case as well if you want to claim an ITIN. In such scenarios, it’s always advisable to consult a professional CPA who can study your legal status and can help you file your taxes effectively.
ITIN Number Does Not Include
Following are some of the points mentioned to avoid any confusion with ITIN
- An ITIN is not considered as some legal status for immigration in the United States.
- It cannot be used as a claim to claim your legal status for a presence in the U.S.
- You cannot claim social security benefits under ITIN.
- As mentioned before, ITIN does not change your immigration status.
- With ITIN, you are not categorized under undocumented person/worker.
- ITIN is not a document to prove your legal work status in the U.S., you are required to get SSN for this.
- With ITIN, you cannot claim all the benefits received by the common U.S. citizens.
Benefits of ITIN
Following are some benefits you can receive under ITIN, but are limited to
- Maintain a proper record of filing your taxes.
- Have a legal claim to issue a license for driving.
- Opening a legal bank account.
Different Methods to Apply For ITIN
There are three possible scenarios in which you can apply for ITIN

1 – Application by the candidate himself
You can apply for ITIN by yourself. To apply yourself, follow this process.
- Fill out a Form W-7
- Send your details to the following address
Internal Revenue Service, Austin Service Center, ITIN Operation, P.O. Box 149342, Austin, TX 78714-9342
- You need to provide legal documents of your identity mentioned in the 13 documents by IRS.
- You can send your documents by mail or delivery service, but you need to provide original documents in such cases.
2 – Application by Accepted Agency (AA)
You can apply for ITIN using a professional service from any agency. However, this agency needs to be certified by IRS and should have a legal claim to do these processes.
All you need to do is list your data, and the agency will take a lead to file your W-7 form for an ITIN. Once again, you need to submit your original forms to show a claim on your legal identity.
3 – Application by Taxpayer Assistant Service (TAC)
Applicant can also file their taxes using the help of TAC. Such agencies consist of people who have legal status by the IRS to work on your documents. Once again, you need to submit your original documents to claim ITIN.
Once you use any of the above-mentioned processes, your ITIN will get in the process. Once approved, you may receive your ITIN in the mail.
Confused about ITIN Number
Sometimes duration of receiving ITIN may take some anomaly due to different processes involved, however it should reach you by 8 weeks. If you are still confused about ITIN and didn’t understand its processes, it’s always recommended to consult a CPA to know about the different legal statuses of your residencies and the claim to ITIN.